Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6 (NIV)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Finally, Some Adoption News

So I am a little slow about this post.  I have been tired from working full-time and having a family.  I come home and I am like a zombie.  Thank God for my SIL, who came over yesterday to take care of my kids and she cleaned our house.  What a fantastic gift!

Now EP news.  We weren't submitted and I was completely o.k. with that.  I was excited to see EP news for several reasons 1) they were notified 2 weeks after they were submitted, so there is a shorter wait until they are approved and a shorter wait until the next batch is submitted, 2)  EP's are moving  3) We are getting closer to getting to hold our preciousness in our arms. 

I-600 news:  we were APPROVED to bring our baby girl into the U.S.A.  This wait only took 15 days from them receiving it until we were approved.  We were notified Wednesday.

Overall, I am overjoyed about the progress of these two things.  On the other hand, I hope to see MANY more adoptive parents traveling in May.  This month was pretty slow for those types of calls.  I hope to see a TC explosion.

I pray that my friend Cindy travels to pick up there little boy in the next 2 weeks.  They have waited so long.

Praise God for the gifts He gives.  Bless you!