Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6 (NIV)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Her Name and WBC

I shared a faith story at church on Sunday and didn't want to reveal her name until after I had told my church family.  Her name is:   (drumroll please)

Faith Evelyn

We were having troubles coming up with a name.  I told my husband I wanted her name to mean something.  My husband gave her her first name (for no reason according to him).  Evelyn is my grandmother's middle name.  Eve (the first part of Evelyn) means beginning or life.

I was SO surprised today to receive a Well-Baby Check.  It was a holiday in Korea today, so I didn't expect anything.  The date of the WBC was 2/24/11.  She's walking, she's grown some and she is on track developmentally.  That is fabulous. 

I will live in my little bubble of happiness for a day or so. 


  1. Found your blog, and I am amazed by your faith and I am in awe of your beautiful baby girl!!!!!!! SHE IS SOOOO PRETTY! :) My husband & I have been praying about our next steps as a family, adoption seems to be one of them. I'm excited and scared too. I love finding others who have journeyed this road. Congrats on your little girl!! ;)


  2. Yay! We love well baby checks! I really like her name. It is so pretty and seems to fit her beautiful face. It is always a great surprise to get news on a holiday when we truely expect silence. This whole journey is based on faith. I hope she gets home sooner than you think. Here is a little tip. Send a care package and you usually always get a picture. It has worked for us.

  3. Lovely name. So glad your girl is doing well!

  4. Hi, it's Nora's mom from the Holt Board..just wanted to let you know that I LOVE the name you have chosen for your beautiful daughter:) She really is just stunning...I love all of your boys name as well, our second son is an Owen too!! Looking forward to following your journey to Faith.
    Best wishes,

  5. Love her name!!! So excited for you guys and I am so glad were in this together!
